Top Trends in Video Production

video production

Video production is constantly evolving, with new trends and technologies emerging each year. As we move further into 2023, it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques to ensure your videos are engaging, effective, and meet the needs of your audience. Read on to discover some of the top trends The Content Works thinks you need to watch out to consider when producing your next piece of video content.

Vertical Video Formats

More people are watching videos on their smartphones, which has led to a rise in the importance of vertical video formats. This format takes up the full screen on a smartphone, providing a more immersive viewing experience for the audience.

Short-form video content has become increasingly popular, with platforms like Instagram and TikTok gaining significant traction. These videos are are easy to consume and good at grabbing the attention of someone quickly.

Inclusive Video Production

Inclusive video production is all about incorporating a range of diversity and representation in your videos. This includes featuring people of different races, ages, genders, sexual orientations, and abilities. it’s important to create videos that are inclusive and representative of your audience, to ensure that your brand resonates with everyone.

Live Content

Live video has become a popular way for brands to engage with their audiences in real-time. Live video provides a unique opportunity for brands to connect with their audiences in a more personal and authentic way and we can expect this to rise. Examples of how it can be used for businesses and brands include product launches, Q&A sessions, and filming of hybrid events.

New Types of Equipment

We can expect to see the emergence of robotic cameras in the video production industry in 2023 and beyond. These cameras use advanced automation and AI technology, they can be controlled remotely. They are also small and therefore limit the need for a big stand, and the quality is really outstanding, so it is inevitable that we will see these used more moving forward.

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